Friday 11 October 2013


Most of the people when they're broken hearted, they put all the blame on love.
They say that love HURTS, that it's not fair, it's complicated and it's hard to maintain. But I think that's not true.
Love is fair but it's the people that we fall in love with that are not fair and complicated. We shouldn't blame love; we should put the blame on the WRONG people that we fall in love with.
They come in our lives with bad intentions,
they blindfold us with their lies,
they make us believe that they're different from the rest we’ve ever had and.....
they make us believe that they're to be with us forever.
Then we give in our delicate hearts thinking that this time round it'll be a different case.
But within no time those people who were pretending to be different also break our hearts after using us, gaining experience from us, wasting our time, energy and our money. It hurts a lot but life goes on....

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